WEEK 1.5 "Fold Your Head And Bow Your Arms"

I seriously scored the jackpot and I have the coolest companions. We are all very similar however they both took AP Spanish; thus, they are helping me out lots. They are so patient with me and seriously are such a blessing in my life! Sister Bashford is going to Quito, Ecuador and Sister Curtis is going to Cochabamba, Bolivia. They both were supposed to go to different MTC's but Heavenly Father knew we all needed each other. We have already had so much fun. We do silly things all the time and they are so chill. I have felt like I have known them my whole life and it has just been three days! Guess what??!!!! I can look at emails all week long on my Ipad so send me lots of Pics!!

This week I have learned two very important lessons. Tender Mercies are REAL and they are from GOD. I cannot tell you how many people I have run into that are God-sent and know exactly what to say to help me. I have also learned that Christ is with us every step of the way. When I have little doubts creep in I pray for help and then open up my scriptures and it is EXACTLY what I needed to feel and know that HE is there.
Today is my first Preparation day! Wow! it's nice to have a little break. This morning we went to the temple at 7am and then went downstairs and ate breakfast in the temple cafeteria! It was the best food we've eaten so far! After we ate we quickly went around the room asking random people if we could bear our testimonies to them in spanish. Our district has a goal to share our testimonies six times a day! Its super exciting stuff I love it. To be honest my brain has never been this exhausted... EVER. We study and speak Spanish all day except at meals. My whole district is so close already. There is only 7 of us and we are all in the intermediate Spanish class. We have the greatest teacher Brother Agyn and he went to Argentina on his mission. He makes learning a lot of fun and lets us take lotsss of breaks. We are constantly laughing every day( usually about silly mistakes we make with spanish). Yesterday we were preparing for our first lesson with an investigator and we were practicing how to teach her how to pray. We got a good belly laugh in when someone in my district said fold your head and bow your arms. Yeah, it happens a lot.
On Wednesday night we met our Zone. They are some of the funniest people I have ever met in my entire life! I have learned that the MTC is a lot more fun than strict. This past week my Zone leaders received a fish on their temple walk... however we are not allowed to have animals here in the MTC and the Branch President found out. That night they had a funeral for the fish and flushed him down the toilet with loads of fish food because "they did want the fish to starve in the ocean." Moral of the story we do fun things here too don't worry.
It has felt like I have been in the MTC for over a month now.... I seriously can't even remember what we did yesterday because we are so busy. Time is very weird here in the MTC. The food is actually not as bad as everyone hypes it up to be. I have eaten every type of salad and wrap they make but I am not sick of it quite yet haha. I absolutely love seeing familiar faces here in the MTC. I see Hermana Walker and Hermana Remund at least 3 times a day and it makes everything so much better. I also love seeing Hermana Neff, Sister Zenger and Elder Watts!!! They are the best:) Everyone here at the MTC is sooo kind.
Our first lesson yesterday was a little rough. They put us with a sweet girl who is an Atheist, Her name is Tereca and we are teaching her again tonight. I was able to ask her a lot of questions (my specialty) and then bear my testimony. It was in that moment that I felt the spirit sooo strong. It was simple but it was powerful. I am grateful for the spirit that we feel all day long here in the MTC. There is truly no other place like the MTC. The pictures here of our Savior Jesus Christ nearly bring me to tears each time and yesterday we found the first copy of the BOOK OF MORMON!!!! so cool.

Heavenly Father truly wants us to feel joy and that is why He sent us His son. Because Jesus Christ we can feel joy, love, and peace. And during hard times we can know that He is with us and will lighten our burdens if we turn toward Him. He loves each one of you I KNOW IT!! I am so very happy here. I am having the time of my life. This has truly been a dream of mine my entire life and I couldn't be more grateful to know God needs me here at this time. I have felt His comforting peace telling me I am in the right spot. This gospel is so sacred to me and I know that there is no other Joy that we can feel than coming to know our Savior better. I love you all!

Mucho exito

Hermana Richards