WEEK 4 "Elder Holland Changed My Life"


Our boy Elder Holland decided to show up on Tuesday night!! It was a night I will not forget. This is the second time he has spoken at the MTC ever!!!! I will never forget the rush of the spirit testify to me as he walked into the room that he has been called of God. He talked a lot about how we are all Gods investigators. God speaks to us through the scriptures and through promptings of the Holy Ghost. He told us that sincere prayer is answered somewhere, sometime, and somehow. He told us to not lose faith and wait patiently on God's timing. He told us that if we take steps of faith miracles will come. He referenced the Bright and morning star that is compared to the Sun of our universe or the literal Son of God. This star or our Savior Jesus Christ enlightens everything else around us. Everything denotes that there is a God who loves us more than we can comprehend and there is a Savior who is our shepherd. 

He promised that we will have trials in our lives and that we will experience broken hearts and tears full of sorrow to come to know our Savior a little better. However, he also testified that after Christ died he was resurrected. Elder Holland promised that the clouds and storms will yield and we will eventually see the bright and morning star. He stated that resurrection will come after sorrow.

I love Alma 34: 41 " But that ye have patience and bear with those afflictions with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions."

Other than that, we had some killer lessons this week. I have never felt Gods love deeper for someone in my entire life than during one of our lessons this week. God truly has a plan for each one of us. He wants us to feel joy in this life. Love you all! GO UTES

-Hermana Richards