WEEK17 "The Blepharitis is back with Alberto the Hurricane"

Hola!!!! Como esta todo?

This week we heard lots of warnings of Alberto the Hurricane/tropical storm. He was suppose to hit us but i guess it may have hit Alabama instead? jaja I have no clue. This week we have had tons of rain which makes knocking fun. People think we are ridiculous standing soaking on their doorstep in this weather but it's the Lords work and we make the hard days fun!
 We had lots of incredible lessons with our friends this week. Leo is on date for the 16th of June and he couldn't be more excited to join the church. He cracks me up, i love that guy so much. We were teaching him the Restoration this week and mid way through the lesson HE was teaching us everything. He had read and talked to all of his Mormon friends about it and already had a testimony of all of it.  After one of our lessons this week he asked us where he could find the application to work at the temple. He knows the importance of these sacred houses of God and wants to do everything he can to enter. He also called us one evening and told us he would love to join us in our missionary efforts. He described how he loves walking and would love to knock with us sometime because he knows it is the only true church. PEOPLE THIS IS INSANE. We can barely even get our own members to come out with us and Leonardo who isn't even baptized wants to share the gospel with everyone. We adore Leo and I am soooo grateful I have this opportunity to see his testimony continue to grow.
Another highlight this week was knocking for hours and coming across the cutest family in the entire world from Macedonia. Despite our soaking clothes they immediately let us in and spoiled us with their love and food. They instantly recognized the Lords hand in leading us to their house. They had been wondering what the big white building was off of the highway... we told them that it was our sacred temple. We taught them about family sealings and the priesthood! Their cute daughters who were 5 and 8 were the most giving little girls I have ever met. The love that was found in this sweet family was so precious. The daughters didn't know anything about Christ and it broke my heart. The mom didn't want us to share much with her children but I know that one day they will get sealed and it will be the most glorious day of their lives. It was amazing to share this sweet moment with the most loving humans who have very different beliefs and backgrounds but took us into their home like we were their own. People are so kind!
Sister Thurman and I love flowers and pick wild ones all the time to put on our table. One day we were walking past a flower shop and felt inspired to go in. We were welcomed by the sweetest Venezuelan owner. She instantly recognized us as "Christ's people" and told us her whole life story. Each day She devotes all of her energy and time to building the kingdom of God. Her whole business is centered around God. SO COOL! She gives floral arrangements to all different churches for free, she has a place in her shop where people come and pray, and she comforts others who come in as Christ would comfort. I was super impressed by this cute widow who was barely making ends meet but put all of her trust in God that he would help provide for her. 
It reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures in 3 Nephi 13:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." I want to be like this lady when I start my career one day. Each day she wakes up and doesn't know how/if she is going to pay all the bills but relies completely on His Grace to help her one day at a time. We referred the missionaries in her own area to go to her house and she is pumped to meet with them.

This week I had an amazing time studying Grace in Alma 42: 15-31. I challenge you all to read it. I realized that my cup of water is not even 1/4 way filled with my own efforts but as I rely on Christ He can fill it all the way to the top! We all fall short, have weaknesses and need to be forgiven. This is what the Atonement is all about. Being made strong through Christ. I love My Savior with my whole heart and I am so grateful to be here. The long hours of knocking is totally worth the happiness that I feel each day from serving Him. It is indescribable. 

Love you all have the best week ever! Mucho Amor!

-Hermana Richards
More highlights:
- I got my hand on a violin and we started a "Branch band" with some of the girls in our branch. We are playing in church next week. 
-Ran into one of Javier's friends this week knocking! We met him a couple months ago at a birthday party. God allowed our paths to cross again and we will be teaching him this week
-Had a cool blitz with the district this week and got to spend more time with my favorite STL Sister Meales... We found two way cool friends in the pouring rain to teach

-It was so cool because the day that we went up to North Palm Beach to visit a neck doctor we stopped by one of Sister Thurman's favorite areas called Delray to eat lunch... and guess what???? We ran into one  of her favorite members who was gong through a really rough divorce and desperately needed her at the moment. The member broke down bawling, and it was the coolest miracle. I have learned that God sometimes gives us trials so we can be there for other people. He is taking such good care of me and all the people around me. 

Low Lights:
-The cute Latin ladies from the branch were trying some of their crazy remedies on my eye because I woke up with it super swollen and red. jaja bless their hearts I think it made it worse. I am just going to stick with what the nurse gave me now