WEEK 59 "Wedding planning had me like..."
Wedding planning had me like...
Going crazy!!! Haha just kidding it was super fun! With less than 2 days we pulled off a beautiful ceremony for our cute family that we have been teaching. The missionaries knocked on this family's door 6 months ago! Melissa the 14 yr old answered the door and has been listening to the discussions the whole time. But the parents didn't want to listen to the missionaries until just 7 weeks ago. It was a huge game chnager when the father received a preisthood blessing before a surgery. Immediatly he felt the power of heaven come into his life and then they were willing to listen. Rolando remained very sick but the strong feeling of the spirit stayed with him. He knew that this was the true church of Christ. The next Sunday their family came to church and they told us they are dedicated for the rest of their lives. They remain strong even admist the biggest trials and set backs. They are having major health and financial trials but they remain firm and dedicated in the faith.
I cannot even begin to describe all the amazing miracles that we have seen through faith and repentance. After the preisthood blessing, this family began their journey of healing through the atonement of Christ with all their relationships. What seemed absolutely impossible seven weeks ago became a reality through repentance and tapping into the power of Christ. As soon as this family began attending church and reading the Book of Mormon their countenances immediately changed and we have seen miracle and miracle follow. They all passed their baptismal interviews and we are super excited for them.
The biggest difference that I have seen in their lives is the light in their eyes and now we can all feel the spirit in their home. We haven't seen them smile or hug or show love one toward another before this change, but now their relationships are filled with the light of Christ. They understand who Christ is and have truly understood and learned how to partake of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
This week we taught an incredible zone conference about "beholding the Man" so we can ultimately chase out the darkness in our lives and in the lives of our friends. I have never felt the spirit so strong in any other meeting in my entire life. Each missionary bore powerful testimony about who is Christ to them. We taught them that when we teach our friends how to truly "Behold Him" we instantly can chase out any darkness in our lives. I hope you all can read the talk by Elder Uctdorf from the April 2018 conference called Behold the Man. It's my all time favorite. I know He Lives and when we behold Him this will truly be the best days of our lives. Just like our sweet family has experienced in their lives.
Love you all!
Hermana richards
-temple tour with Karen our favorite running partner who now wakes up with us every morning to go work out at 6:30am in the park
-Kevin and Harriet his mom are making great progress. We had the funnest fhe with them and Roldando and Teresa and our favorite Venezuelan family!
-my cute companion dressed up at a wizard for us during zone council to show us how to use mighty faith to work mighty miracles